Automated Notification System (ANS)

Working together to make sure valuable appointment times are used, not lost.
Receiving electronic reminders by phone, email or text is an easy and effective way to stay on top of your appointments.
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services is now able to send helpful electronic reminders for non-urgent or non-emergent in-person appointments, which will help you avoid missing an important appointment. We will continue to send reminders for endoscopy, medical imaging, cardiac and pulmonary care services.
Let’s ensure our health-care system is working to its full capacity.

How will this benefit you?
The expanded system will send you an appointment reminder so you can make any necessary preparations.
It lets you confirm or cancel your appointment.
It also notifies the system if someone cancels an appointment. This creates an opening, allowing another patient to be booked in the cancelled appointment slot.
Let’s work together to reduce missed appointments
Missed appointments have a negative impact on the health-care system. By reducing them, it will help reduce waitlists and lead to enhanced efficiencies in the health-care system.
The goal is to get missed appointment rates down to two per cent or less, which will help increase access to health care across Newfoundland and Labrador.
There are many reasons for missed appointments, some of which are unavoidable. In many cases, if you notify us in advance, it will greatly reduce the number of missed appointments and increase access to health care.
How can I help?
Make sure that we have the most up-to-date contact information for you and your family. A dedicated phone line is now open for the sole purpose of updating patient contact information. Please have your MCP card at-hand when you call.
Contact 1- 877-336-4170, if you have:
A new mailing address
A new landline phone number
A new cell phone number
A new email address
Make every effort to attend your scheduled appointment or cancel if you’re not able to make the appointment.
Please note: Appointments cannot be changed or cancelled at this number. If you want to cancel or reschedule an appointment, please call the number included with your appointment letter or the hospital in which your appointment will take place.
Together, these actions will help reduce the number of missed appointments across the province and improve access to health care.