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Successful Recruitment Efforts Lead to Increase of Internationally Educated Nurses

News ReleasesProvincial
Posted: September 29, 2023

Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services has been successful in its recruitment of internationally educated nurses to the province following extensive recruitment initiatives. Over 200 internationally educated nurses have been recruited since 2022 and are working in various health-care facilities throughout the province. In addition, more than 600 internationally educated nurses are currently being recruited through ongoing initiatives. 

“Strong recruitment initiatives are essential to attract nurses and other health-care workers and enhance health human resources capacity,” said Joanne Pelley, provincial chief nursing officer and VP/chief operating officer for NL Health Services, Central Zone. “We are seeing positive results due to our extensive recruitment efforts to date and we will continue to work tirelessly to attract more health-care professionals to live and work in all areas of Newfoundland and Labrador.” 

Of the over 200 individuals recruited to date: 

  • 59 have received their registered nurse (RN) credentials; 
  • 17 have received their licenced practical nurse (LPN) credentials; 
  • 37 others are in progress of receiving their RN credentials. 

Many of these internationally educated nurses are currently working in long-term care and acute care facilities, providing safe and quality care for patients, residents and their families throughout the province.   

“I am really looking forward to applying all the knowledge that I have learned and contributing that knowledge to health care here in Newfoundland and Labrador,” said Fenny Catolico, an internationally educated nurse working with NL Health Services, Central Zone. 

‘I am thrilled, excited and somewhat anxious to work in Newfoundland and Labrador but with the support I see, I am hopeful that I will be able to contribute with my team,” said Martin Lao, an internationally educated nurse working with NL Health Services, Central Zone. 

NL Health Services offers incentives to existing employees, as well as to students in health-care disciplines across Canada, who commit to employment with NL Health Services. The organization also offers incentives to health-care professionals looking to return home and those who are new to the province. NL Health Services’ proactive and innovative recruitment approaches will help sustain and modernize the delivery of health-care services for residents throughout the province.   

“Our ongoing work for the recruitment and retention of health-care professionals is starting to help with stability in our health-care facilities and is indicative of the whole system working together,” said Debbie Molloy, VP for Human Resources with NL Health Services. “We are continuing to work with government, partners, communities and educational/academic institutions to find creative solutions to recruit health-care professionals locally, nationally and internationally. This includes working with the College of Registered Nurses Newfoundland and Labrador or the College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador to allow for faster professional licensing of internationally educated nurses.”    

NL Health Services is undertaking a variety of recruitment initiatives to increase the number of nurses, physicians and other health-care workers. These efforts include: 

  • targeting the recruitment of internationally educated health professionals through grants, bursaries and other incentive programs and ensuring that we have welcoming and inclusive spaces once they arrive;  
  • partnering and fostering relationships with secondary and post-secondary institutions; 
  • supporting faster pathways to employment and licensure to working as a full-time nurse for provincial, national, and international applicants;  
  • actively participating in career fairs, partnering with schools to offer educational opportunities and promoting NL Health Services as an employer of choice; and  
  • working in collaboration with the provincial government to support the Extraordinary Everyday campaign and all associated recruitment efforts.  

NL Health Services has a number of opportunities for PCAs, RNs and LPNs and others interested in working in health care. As a new organization, NL Health Services offers interesting and rewarding work in all areas of the province. Anyone interested in learning more, should visit our careers website for opportunities in all zones of the province. 


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