Wheelchair Accessible Buses Keep Seniors Connected to their Communities
Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Health Services – Central Zone in partnership with the South and Central Health Foundation and its donors, are pleased to announce the arrival of a new wheelchair accessible bus for long-term care residents at the Baie Verte Peninsula Health Centre. A wheelchair accessible bus makes it possible for residents living in long-term care facilities in the south and central region to remain active and connected to their community.
“We are grateful for the opportunity to partner with the South and Central Health Foundation to acquire a fourth wheelchair accessible bus for seniors within the Central Zone,” said Joanne Pelley, VP/chief operating officer and provincial chief nursing officer for NL Health Services Central Zone. “On behalf of NL Health Services, I would like to thank the public, our staff and the South and Central Health Foundation for this donation which is having such a positive impact on the quality of life or seniors in our communities.”
A wheelchair accessible bus makes it possible for residents living in long-term care facilities in the south and central region to attend medical appointments, church services, community events, family gatherings, or simply to drive around our beautiful region to enjoy the sights.
It also supports the goals of the therapeutic recreation department by providing residents with an opportunity to return to their home communities, socialize with family and friends outside of long-term care, and enjoy the ability to participate in community events.
“Being able to take a simple drive through town, attend a community event, eat at a local picnic area or participate in community or family events brings great joy to our seniors and residents. It has increased the quality of life for residents tremendously,” said Foundation executive director Wendy Houlihan. “It is certainly a milestone for the South and Central Health Foundation and a tribute to the generosity of the many donors to these projects.”
Since 2021, NL Health Services (and its legacy health authority Central Health) and the South and Central Health Foundation have partnered to purchase four wheelchair accessible buses for use at long-term care facilities throughout the region. This includes buses at the:
- Connaigre Peninsula Health Centre in Harbour Breton,
- Valley Vista Seniors Home in Springdale,
- Copper Crescent long-term care unit at the Baie Verte Peninsula Health Centre, and
- a bus shared between the Carmelite House Seniors Home, Dr. Hugh Twomey Health Centre and the new long-term care facility in Grand Falls-Windsor.
Carolyn Greenham, manager of site operations, Baie Verte Peninsula Health Centre, says that staff “hear many stories from the families of our residents at Copper Crescent who convey how much their loved ones appreciate going on outings to see the ocean or simply to enjoy a soft serve ice cream. Staff, patients, residents and their families at the Baie Verte Peninsula Health Centre are overwhelmed and truly thankful by the generous donation of this newest bus.”
The purchases of four wheelchair accessible buses were made possible through a 50/50 partnership, whereby the Health Foundation worked with staff at long-term care facilities, community groups, local businesses and individuals to raise $320,000 to cover 50 per cent of the cost of these vehicles. NL Health Services and legacy health authority (Central Health) contributed 50 per cent to support the purchases.

Recreation Therapy Worker Marina Bryan is with resident Zelda Rowsell, the first to try out the lift on the wheelchair accessible bus in Baie Verte.

On August 18 a group of donors and supporters gathered at the Baie Verte Peninsula Health Centre to welcome the arrival of a new wheelchair accessible bus for residents of the long-term care unit. Sponsors who donated $5,000 or more have their logos permanently displayed on the vehicle. In attendance (l-r) were Wendy Houlihan, executive director, South and Central Health Foundation; Baie Verte-Green Bay MHA Brain Warr; Marina Bryan, Recreation Therapy Worker; Connie Downey – Lions Club; Tana Goudie – Share Foundation; Glenda Shelly – Baie Verte Peninsula Health Centre Auxiliary; Kim Hewlett and Lloyd Hayden – Baie Verte and Area Chamber of Commerce. Missing from photo is Trevor Pope of Shopper’s Drug Mart.